You can do better than eating a bagel for breakfast
Has this happened to you? You're in a hurry in the morning (i.e. every morning!) and you search for a quick, healthy breakfast before your first meeting. In a weak moment, you grab a bagel and hope for the best, only to regret it an hour later when you're still hungry and your energy is crashing.
This is why I created Todd's Power Oats. I wanted one less decision to make in the morning. With just 60 seconds of prep before you go to bed, you can have a delicious and nutritious breakfast ready to go in the morning. Just pull your cold-brewed oats out of the fridge and go. The 30 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber in every mighty bowl of Todd's Power Oats will give you stead energy all morning long, with no guilt.
-Be good to your self!