How do you prepare Todd's Power Oats?

It's easy!  Add milk before bed and they cold brew in the fridge while you sleep.  Here's a quick video of how to prepare my overnight oats.

  1. Open the lid.
  2. Pour in 1/2 cup of your favorite milk.
  3. Stir.
  4. Put the replaceable lid back on the bowl and place in fridge overnight.
  5. Enjoy cold the next morning!

In the morning before enjoying my power oats, I like to add whatever fresh fruit we have in the kitchen, and then a splash of milk on top.

Do you recommend eating the oats cold or warm?

Most people eat them cold, but you can put them in the microwave for 25 seconds to warm them up after they've cold brewed overnight.  I think they are perfect to eat cold right after a workout.  It's the perfect cool down after you get your sweat on!

What kind of milk do I use to prepare the oats?

I prefer oat milk, but you can use any liquid you like, including:

  • Almond milk
  • Regular milk
  • Soy milk
  • Chocolate milk
  • Water
  • Cold coffee (this tastes good with the 'Deep Chocolate' flavor!)

What's the minimum amount of time to let the oats "cold brew" in the fridge?

I get it.  We all get busy and forget to soak our outs overnight sometimes.  While 8 hours is ideal (just like sleep, but who gets 8 hours of sleep?!) to cold brew the oats, you can soak them for as little as 30 minutes and enjoy them.  The shorter you "cook" them, the more "al dente" they will be.  Some people like a bit more chew in their breakfast, so go ahead and experiment with your ideal brewing time!

How long can I keep the oats in the fridge before eating them?

I routinely leave them in the fridge for 3 days and enjoy them.  They get softer as you leave them cold brewing for that long, but they still taste great!

Where are Todd's Power Oats made?

Todd's Power Oats are made with love in small batches here in Colorado!

How do you recommend using Todd's Power Oats when working out or competing in a sporting event?

I think that the oats are great after a good workout, where the cold brewed feel and the fresh berries on top is very refreshing.  I usually eat them while I'm waiting for my body to cool down from working out so I don't start sweating as soon as I get out of the shower!

When I'm going to be doing a longer workout or event like a marathon, I'll eat the oats two hours before start time.  Or even the night before.  In either case, the steady energy of the high protein and high fiber really helps fuel my day!