Smarter Breakfast Stories
BREAKFAST UPGRADE: Todd's Power Oats vs. Cheerios
I grew up in a very health-oriented household. My Mom made sure there were never any sugary cereals in the house.
About once a year we'd find a...
Why did Steve Jobs always wear a black turtle neck?
How is the start to your typical day? I like to get up early because it's the only time when there isn't a kid/spouse/client/telemarketer needing ...
How do you feel after eating breakfast?
One of the main reasons I made Todd's Power Oats was to feel better. I noticed a long time ago that when I eat poorly for breakfast--a bagel, a...
You can do better than eating a bagel for breakfast
Has this happened to you? You're in a hurry in the morning (i.e. every morning!) and you search for a quick, healthy breakfast before your first m...
What are "functional foods"?
Do you ever come across the term "functional food" and wonder what the heck that means? You're not alone. It's a term that doesn't really say mu...
I created Todd’s Power Oats for you.
You’re passionate about your health. You make exercise a priority. You know breakfast is crucial...setting the tone for how energized you’ll feel...