Smarter Breakfast Stories
Can oatmeal help you lose, or maintain, weight? It does for me!
I have been eating the same thing for breakfast for the past 15 years, and I'm convinced that it has helped me maintain a healthy weight over that...
How do you feel after eating breakfast?
One of the main reasons I made Todd's Power Oats was to feel better. I noticed a long time ago that when I eat poorly for breakfast--a bagel, a...
The obstacles don't block the path. They are the path.
I was walking my dog Ranger in the snow this cold January morning here in Colorado. Looking out at the frozen ground (and trying not to slip) I ...
Peanut butter and banana oats...a match made in heaven!
One of my customers from Boulder Colorado just wrote in saying that he put some sliced banana in his Peanut Butter Monster high protein overnight o...
Can your cereal do this?
I hate it when I'm in a hurry in the morning (i.e. every morning!) and in desperation, I grab for a box of cereal. I always have a better day when...
You can do better than eating a bagel for breakfast
Has this happened to you? You're in a hurry in the morning (i.e. every morning!) and you search for a quick, healthy breakfast before your first m...
What are "functional foods"?
Do you ever come across the term "functional food" and wonder what the heck that means? You're not alone. It's a term that doesn't really say mu...
Why workout? What is a workout?
I have this message hanging on the wall in front of my chin-up bar. I like to give it a quick read whenever I'm on the fence about doing my work...
Stronger than yesterday
I have a simple view of all of life's choices that come at me every day. Here are the usual suspects that I struggle with most days:
Every worko...
6 surprising health benefits of oatmeal
Do you know all of the superpowers of the humble oat?
Oatmeal is a powerhouse when it comes to your health. Here are 6 surprising ways adding oat...
Oatmeal and the power of fiber
Fiber. One of the original reasons why I created Todd's Power Oats was to get more fiber into my diet. And it looks like I'm not alone. Researc...
Want to get your kids to eat more veggies? Juice with them!
At least once a week on the slow weekends, I drag out the juicer. Most of the time I prefer to make smoothies (instead of juicing) to preserve all...