Smarter Breakfast Stories

Behold the mighty chia seed. Discover why the Aztecs were eating this superfood 5,500 years ago, and why you should too.

Behold the mighty chia seed.  Discover why the Aztecs were eating this superfood 5,500 years ago, and why you should too.
Did you know that the ancient Aztecs were eating chia seeds over 5,500 years ago?  These mighty seeds were so prized that they were even use...

Why did Steve Jobs always wear a black turtle neck?

Why did Steve Jobs always wear a black turtle neck?
How is the start to your typical day?  I like to get up early because it's the only time when there isn't a kid/spouse/client/telemarketer needing ...

7 reasons to add blueberries to your diet

7 reasons to add blueberries to your diet
Move over, boring old apples! Blueberries are the new superfood on the block, and for good reason. These tasty little berries are packed with nut...

The 350: A simple workout plan that I've been following for 12 years (and counting!)

The 350: A simple workout plan that I've been following for 12 years (and counting!)
Try this efficient, body weight workout challenge when you feel like you don't have time to exercise.  You can do this workout in only 15 minutes!

Where's the protein? 5 reasons why every meal should be built around this amazing macro.

Where's the protein?  5 reasons why every meal should be built around this amazing macro.
I scrutinize at every meal before I eat it with one main question in mind:  Where's the protein?  Are you building each meal ...

Is exercise as good as medication for reducing anxiety?

Is exercise as good as medication for reducing anxiety?
October 10th is World Mental Health Day.  I'm glad to see the spotlight shine brightly on mental health, since the 30% of us suffer from anxiety ...

5 surprising things happened after I started eating high-protein overnight oats every morning.

5 surprising things happened after I started eating  high-protein overnight oats every morning.
  15 years ago I decided to simplify my breakfast routine.  I got tired of cleaning up the blender after making a protein smoothie, or cleaning up...

Can oatmeal help you lose, or maintain, weight? It does for me!

Can oatmeal help you lose, or maintain, weight?  It does for me!
I have been eating the same thing for breakfast for the past 15 years, and I'm convinced that it has helped me maintain a healthy weight over that...

How do you feel after eating breakfast?

Climbing the Manitou Incline with Kids
One of the main reasons I made Todd's Power Oats was to feel better.  I noticed a long time ago that when I eat poorly for breakfast--a bagel, a...

The obstacles don't block the path. They are the path.

The obstacles don't block the path.  They are the path.
I was walking my dog Ranger in the snow this cold January morning here in Colorado.  Looking out at the frozen ground (and trying not to slip) I ...

Peanut butter and banana oats...a match made in heaven!

Peanut butter and banana oats...a match made in heaven!
One of my customers from Boulder Colorado just wrote in saying that he put some sliced banana in his Peanut Butter Monster high protein overnight o...

Can your cereal do this?

Can your cereal do this?
I hate it when I'm in a hurry in the morning (i.e. every morning!) and in desperation, I grab for a box of cereal. I always have a better day when...